Leominster Repair Café 1st February 2025

February 1, 2025 from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Please complete the form below to book an item for our next repair cafe session. The first time slot is 10.00 to 10.30, the last is 11.30 till noon. We need to complete all repairs by 12.00.

Bring your item to the reception desk at the front of the hall. We will then allocate it to the most appropriate repairer.

There is a small cafe at the community centre which you are welcome to use. We suggest that you sit with the repairer while they are working on your item as you may be able to advise or assist with the repair. If you leave the hall please keep your phone with you and switched on as the repairer may need to contact you. All items must be collected by 12.30 as we need to clear the hall.

How to Book

Use the form below to select your preferred drop off time. Select 1 item in the time slot.

We can only accommodate one item and one time slot per person at the moment.

( For sharpening jobs we can accept more than one item)

Most of the fields are required fields

Before booking please check our terms and conditions.

We are open for Bookings two to three weeks prior to the next Repair Cafe and close at  11.59 on the Thursday before the next Repair Cafe, or earlier if all the booking slots are taken.

After you make the booking you will be sent a confirmation email.  These are automatic emails and some email systems may flag them as spam so check your spam or junk folder if you don’t see it within a few minutes.

Thank you for supporting Leominster Repair Cafe

Booking is closed for this session.